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Updated: May 14, 2021

Our partner NGO, Cadena de Amor, has started to reach out to provide dental education to elementary students in the village we serve. Unfortunately, until vaccine become available for our staff, we can only provide dental oral hygiene instructions, fluoride treatment, and give out toothbrushes. These instructions have always been a key component of our efforts in Honduras, so it is wonderful that we can again reach hundreds of children in a one week visit to a village. The pictures in this blog are from a recent visit to the village of San Juancito.

In the pictures above you can see both the safety measures undertaking by the staff of Cadena de Amor and also the children receiving instructions. In another picture you can see the kids brushing their teeth. They will also have a fluoride rinse given to them after brushing. The lessons include information regarding diet, especially related to drink Coca Cola and other soft drinks. This is a considerable problem in many countries as Coke is often when of the least costly, but enjoyable things parents can give their kids. When you seldom have funds to buy toys or nice clothes, parents fall back on this drink as a gift. What a mistake! Fortunately, many mothers are now understanding the value of avoiding Coke, and instead buying a toothbrush. Because of these repeated lessons over a number of years, we have seen a big difference in the oral health of many children. It is great that we can at least keep reinforcing this message. Hopefully in a few more months we can again provide dental care also. Maybe we will soon be starting up are international teams also. Many of us miss the joy of travel to Honduras and work with this great NGO. Plus we have a great time being in the village and seeing all the children.

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